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BDSM_GaussianList Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnitVO-UCD
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created time.epoch
filenamestrThe filename of the input file meta.id meta.file
frameBaseFrameA BaseFrame object
GLIDintThe GaussianList IDentifier
image_filenamestrThe filename of the gaussian generated image
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument instr.obsty
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) meta.code
number_of_gaussiansintNumber of gaussians
process_paramsBDSM_GaussianParametersProcessing parameters
residual_filenamestrThe filename of the residuals
SLIDintThe SourceList IDentifier meta.id
sourcelistSourceListThe SourceList
statRadioStatStatistics of the frame

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